Walt Whitman

PART I - Biography

  1. Biographical information about Walt Whitman (see blank note sheet)

PART II - Poems

  1. I asked students to silently read the following poems:

O’ Captain, My Captain!
I Hear America Singing
A Clear Midnight
A Noiseless Patient Spider
You, Whoever You Are

2. We discussed the value or reading poems to yourself and reading poetry out LOUD! Small groups were assigned the above poems to perform the next day. We practiced/modeled/established expectations with a few examples before small groups started practicing.

PART III - Discussion

  1. Students reviewed/discussed quotes by Walt Whitman (see attached worksheet).

Part IV - Presentation

  1. Present poems
  2. Present quotes

“…small in theme yet has it the sweep of the universe.”
- From Walt Whitman’s Notebook

It is believed that Walt Whitman wrote this quote in reference to poetry. Explain/discuss the above quote in connection to poetry (Hint – explain theme and sweep of the universe).





Choose two of the Walt Whitman quotes (sheet attached). Copy the quote, discuss what you like about this quote, and interpret/explain the quote in connection to you or your community.

QUOTE #1: ____________________________________________________







QUOTE #2: ____________________________________________________







Biography of Walt Whitman

Date of birth: _____________________________

Date of death: ____________________________

Leaves of Grass

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Content of his poetry

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